Friday, June 8, 2007

Soccer Superstar

Last weekend ended Elizabeth's first season of soccer. Elizabeth's season stats were the following: 8,529 360-degree spins (including 11 times falling over from being dizzy), 1,027 blades of grass picked (a new league record), 293 flowers picked, 32 singular hugs during the game, 22 group hugs during the game, 1 worm found and 1 goal.

Watching Elizabeth play soccer was a lot of fun most of the time. Some of the time though it was frustrating. It was frustrating because I knew she can be very good soccer but most of the time she preferred picking flowers, spinning or hugging. Amy yelled at me because I bribed Elizabeth during a game one time that I would give her a sucker if she would kick the ball. She became a woman possessed she quickly ran out of the field and kicked the ball 5 times hard. I think I could of threw her out there in a World Cup championship match between France and Brazil and she still would of kicked the ball 5 times. But after the 5th kicked she ran to me and wanted her sucker. And when she did score her goal she didn't really seem to care but I was really proud. But she was very proud of the worm that she dug up.

The funny thing is most of the time she was playing soccer it just reminded me of when I was 5 and I played T-ball. I have no memory of hitting the ball, catching the ball, running bases or throwing the ball. But I remember running from Mosquitoes, spinning in the outfield and eating watermelon after the last game. I guess Lizzy is just too much like her Dad.

Below is a picture of Lizzy looking for the worm: