Thursday, December 6, 2007

Talking Elijah

It seems Eli has found his voice:

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Six Month Check-up

Elijah is now six months old. He weighs 15lbs and 4oz and is 26.5 inches long. He loves to roll around the room and is great at getting where he wants to go (even though he isn't crawling). He loves to eat all kinds of baby food and can drink from a sippy cup. He has even started to clap his hands and wave bye-bye. He is growing up way too fast!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Jumping Elijah

Eli finally figured out how to jump in his jumparoo:

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween 2007

We had a great time with all the festivities this year. Here are a few pics from Halloween:

The girls loved carving their pumpkins:

Here's Elizabeth, Sonia and Abby trick-or-treating at their grandparent's house:

Here's Eli as a hotdog. (Matt picked out his costume.)

Here's another pic of our little man:

And here's all three of our little angels:

A family pic:

The girls just love their brother:

By the end of the night, Eli was wiped out from trick-or-treating:

Monday, October 8, 2007

Red October Run

Saturday, I ended up running a 5K called the Red October Run. Wow, was it hard! I'd been training for it for a couple months now, but for some reason, it was seemed so much harder running the day of the race. I ended up coming in 7th out of the 19 in my age group. My time was 28:42. I was a little disappointed with my time, but I'm hoping next time I'll do much better.

My sister ran too. She came in second in her age group.

Here I am before the race. See how happy I look; it is because I don't know the torture that's coming:

Here's all the 5K runners at the starting line:

Here's me around the two mile mark. I think I just wanted it to be over at this point:

Here's Lisa with her medal for second place:

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Apple Orchard

Last week, Elizabeth went on a field trip with her preschool class to the apple orchard. Here's a couple of pics from it:

They each got to pick their own apples:

And, of course, enjoy some yummy food:

I think the highlight of the trip was playing in the hay:

Cute Elijah

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Four-Month Checkup

Elijah had his four month checkup this week. He is now 13 pounds and is 25 inches long. He just recently discovered his feet and loves trying to get them in his mouth. He also can roll over (both ways), grab toys and play with them, and he just started eating rice cereal.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Elizabeth's First Day of Preschool

Elizabeth had her first day of four-year old preschool yesterday. She had such a good time! She saw a lot of her old friends and already made several new friends. Parents stay with their kids the first day of school, but Elizabeth told me I could just drop her off. :) (Of course I stayed with her) Obviously, she isn't going to miss me too much!

Here's a pic of beautiful Elizabeth before school. Doesn't she look grown up!?!

Here's Elizabeth with some of her good friends from school:

Here's a few of Elizabeth playing:

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Fun at COSI

Matt has been on vacation this week so we've spent a lot of time together as a family. We've spent a lot of time at home relaxing and doing things in the area. On Tuesday, we went to COSI with my mother-in-law and niece, Molly. We had a great time! Here are a few pics:

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Two-Month Checkup

Elijah had his two-month check-up today. He weighed 10lbs. 12oz. and he was 23.5 inches long. When he was born he was in the 3rd percentile for weight and now he is between the 15th and 20th percentile. The doctor couldn't believe how good he was doing. I can't believe how much God has taken care of our little man!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

8-Year Anniversary

The 4th of July is always a special time for me. The main reason it is so special is because the 3rd is our wedding anniversary. It is hard to believe but we have been married for 8 years. This year was really special because I have been working afternoons the last few weeks, so it was nice to have dinner with the family. As usual, Amy and I had a lot of fun for our anniversary. I left Amy a poem that told her that she would be discovering 8 gifts hidden throughout the house. Amy was very nice by buying me a video game and making chocolate covered strawberries (even though Elizabeth told me what they were before Amy could give them to me). The whole family went to Moe's for dinner. (Welcome to Moe's!) Amy was even kind of enough to play Big Brain Academy with me on the Nintendo Wii. I won't tell you who won. . .

We have had 8 great years together and I am looking forward to what the future has in store for us. Amy just told me the other day about all of the things that have changed in our life since our last anniversary so I wonder what surprises God has in store for us in the future.

Monday, June 18, 2007

New Pictures of Elijah

Elijah is getting bigger every day. Here are a couple of new pictures of him:

Happy Father's Day!

Yesterday we celebrated Father's Day. We had a very busy day. The kids and I woke up early and made Matt a breakfast of blueberry pancakes (I wanted to do something more elaborate but didn't have enough time). Then we gave Matt his Father's Day presents. He got two shirts, a gift certificate and a picture with a poem and Elizabeth's hand prints on it (she made it in preschool). But Matt said his favorite gift was being able to sleep in. :)

After that, we went to church. Matt did a great job giving a reading at church of the prodigal son. Then, it was off to Aunt Stephanie's house for dinner and swimming and visiting with Matt's parents. And finally, we went to my parents for dessert and we took the kids to the new park by their house.

So, poor Matt didn't have a very relaxing Father's Day, but hopefully he enjoyed it! We love you, honey!!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Happy Birthday Abby!

Yesterday our baby girl turned two years old! We had a little party for her with some family and friends. Her Aunt Stephanie made her a Strawberry Shortcake birthday cake (her favorite). Abby was adorable when we all sang Happy Birthday to her because she joined in the singing. And she blew out both her candles out on the first try. She got way too many presents, but it is hard not to spoil her because she gets so excited about everything.

Abby is the sweetest little girl. I wish I could just freeze time because she is growing up way too fast!